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Select models

Continue makes it easy to use different models for chat, autocomplete, and embeddings. To select the models you want to use, add them to your config.json.


You likely want to use a model that is 30B+ parameters for chat.

Open-source LLMs

We currently recommend the following open-source models:

Llama 3 from Meta

  • Unlimited GPU: llama3-70b
  • Limited GPU: llama3-8B

DeepSeek Coder from DeepSeek

  • Unlimited GPU: deepseek-coder-33b
  • Limited GPU: deepseek-coder-6.7b

You can also use other open-source chat models by adding them to your config.json.

Commercial LLMs

Claude 3 from Anthropic

  • Unlimited budget: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
  • Limited budget: claude-3-sonnet-20240229

GPT-4o from OpenAI

  • Unlimited budget: gpt-4o
  • Limited budget: gpt-3.5-turbo-0125

Gemini Pro from Google

  • Unlimited budget: gemini-pro-1.5-latest
  • Limited budget: gemini-flash-1.5-latest or gemini-pro-1.0

You can also use other commercial chat models by adding them to your config.json.


You likely want to use a model that is 1-15B parameters for autocomplete.

Commercial LLMs

Codestral from Mistral

Our current recommendation for autocomplete, if you are able to choose any model, is codestral-latest from Mistral's API.

Open-source LLMs

We currently recommend the following open-source models:

DeepSeek Coder from DeepSeek

  • Unlimited GPU: deepseek-coder-6.7b
  • Limited GPU: deepseek-coder-1.3b

StarCoder 2 from Hugging Face

  • Unlimited GPU: starcoder-2-7b
  • Limited GPU: starcoder-2-3b

You can also use other autocomplete models by adding them to your config.json.


You likely want to use an embeddings model that is made to vectorize code.

Open-source models

  • transformers.js
  • nomic-embed-text

Commercial models

  • voyage-code-2

You can also use other embeddings models by adding them to your config.json.

In addition to selecting models, you will need to figure out what providers to use.