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Example configurations

If you're looking for a quick way to create the perfect Continue setup, we've written a few sample config.jsons for common situations. You can copy these and paste them into your config.json by clicking the gear icon in the bottom right of the Continue sidebar.

I just want the best experience possible

This uses Claude 3 Opus for chat, Codestral for autocomplete, and Voyage AI for embeddings and reranking.


  1. Obtain a Codestral API key from Mistral AI's La Plateforme

  2. Obtain an Anthropic API key from here

  3. Replace [CODESTRAL_API_KEY] and [ANTHROPIC_API_KEY] with the keys you obtained in the previous steps.

"models": [
"title": "Claude 3 Opus",
"provider": "anthropic",
"model": "claude-3-opus-20240229",
"tabAutocompleteModel": {
"title": "Codestral",
"provider": "mistral",
"model": "codestral-latest",
"embeddingsProvider": {
"provider": "free-trial"
"reranker": {
"name": "free-trial"

I need to be entirely local + offline

This uses Ollama for chat, autocomplete, and embeddings, making sure that no code ever leaves your machine.


  1. Download Ollama

  2. Pull the necessary models

    i. For chat: ollama run llama3:8b

    ii. For autocomplete: ollama run starcoder2:3b

    iii. For embeddings: ollama run nomic-embed-text

"models": [
"title": "Ollama",
"provider": "ollama",
"model": "AUTODETECT"
"tabAutocompleteModel": {
"title": "Starcoder 2 3b",
"provider": "ollama",
"model": "starcoder2:3b"
"embeddingsProvider": {
"provider": "ollama",
"model": "nomic-embed-text"