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How to use it

Edit is a convenient way to modify code without leaving your current file. Highlight a block of code, describe your code changes, and a diff will be streamed inline to your file which you can accept or reject.

Edit is best used for small, quick changes such as:

  • Writing comments
  • Generating unit tests
  • Refactoring functions or methods

Highlight code and activate

Highlight the block of code you would like to modify, and press cmd/ctrl + i to activate the edit input.

Describe code changes

Describe the changes you would like the model to make to your highlighted code. For edits, a good prompt should be relatively short and concise. For longer, more complex tasks, we recommend using Chat.

Accept or reject changes

Proposed changes appear as inline diffs within your highlighted text.

You can navigate through each proposed change, accepting or rejecting them using cmd/ctrl + opt + y (to accept) or cmd/ctrl + opt + n (to reject).

You can also accept or reject all changes at once using cmd/ctrl + shift + enter (to accept) or cmd/ctrl + shift + delete (to reject).

If you want to request a new suggestion for the same highlighted code section, you can use cmd/ctrl + i to re-prompt the model.