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LM Studio

LM Studio is an application for Mac, Windows, and Linux that makes it easy to locally run open-source models and comes with a great UI. To get started with LM Studio, download from the website, use the UI to download a model, and then start the local inference server. Continue can then be configured to use the LMStudio LLM class:

"models": [
"title": "LM Studio",
"provider": "lmstudio",
"model": "llama2-7b"

Setting up a remote instance

To configure a remote instance of LM Studio, add the "apiBase" property to your model in config.json:

"title": "LM Studio",
"model": "codestral",
"provider": "lmstudio",
"apiBase": "http://x.x.x.x:1234/v1/"

This apiBase will now be used instead of the default http://localhost:1234/v1.

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