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Kindo offers centralized control over your organization's AI operations, ensuring data protection and compliance with internal policies while supporting various commercial and open-source models. To get started, sign up here, create your API key on the API keys page, and choose a model from the list of supported models in the plugins tab.

Config Example

"models": [
"title": "Claude 3.5 Sonnet",
"provider": "kindo",
"model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620",
"apiKey": "<KINDO_API_KEY>"

Tab Autocomplete Config Example

"tabAutocompleteModel": [
"title": "WhiteRabbitNeo",
"provider": "kindo",
"model": "/models/WhiteRabbitNeo-33B-DeepSeekCoder",
"apiKey": "<KINDO_API_KEY>"
"title": "DeepSeek",
"provider": "kindo",
"model": "deepseek-ai/deepseek-coder-33b-instruct",
"apiKey": "<KINDO_API_KEY>"


To update your organization's model access, adjust the controls in security settings.