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Model setup

Best overall experience

For the best Autocomplete experience, we recommend using Codestral through the Mistral API. This model offers high-quality completions with an excellent understanding of code context:

"tabAutocompleteModel": {
"title": "Codestral",
"provider": "mistral",
"model": "codestral-latest",
"apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"
Codestral API Key

The API keys for Codestral and the general Mistral APIs are different. If you are using Codestral, you probably want a Codestral API key, but if you are sharing the key as a team or otherwise want to use, then make sure to set "apiBase": "" in your tabAutocompleteModel.

Local, offline / self-hosted experience

For those preferring local execution or self-hosting,StarCoder2-3b offers a good balance of performance and quality for most users:

"tabAutocompleteModel": {
"title": "StarCoder2-3b",
"model": "starcoder2:3b",
"provider": "ollama"

Alternative experiences

  • Completions too slow? Try deepseek-coder:1.3b-base for quicker completions on less powerful hardware
  • Have more compute? Use deepseek-coder:6.7b-base for potentially higher-quality suggestions

For LM Studio users, navigate to the "My Models" section, find your desired model, and copy the path (e.g., second-state/StarCoder2-3B-GGUF/starcoder2-3b-Q8_0.gguf). Use this path as the model value in your configuration.

Other experiences

There are many more models and providers you can use with Autocomplete. Check them out here.