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How to customize

Built-in slash commands

Continue has a large library of built-in slash commands, but when you first install we only display the most commonly used ones, like “/edit”, “/comment”, and “/share”. To add more actions, you can open config.json and add them to the slashCommands array.

Custom slash commands

There are two ways to add custom slash commands:

  1. With .prompt files - this is recommended in most cases. See the full reference here.
  2. With config.ts - this gives you full programmatic access to the LLM, IDE, and other important entities by writing a JavaScript/TypeScript function

Custom Slash Commands with config.ts

If you want to go a step further than writing custom commands with natural language, you can write a custom function that returns the response. This requires using config.ts instead of config.json.

To do this, push a new SlashCommand object to the slashCommands list. This object contains "name", the name that you will type to invoke the slash command, "description", the description seen in the dropdown menu, and "run". The run function is any async generator that should yield strings as you want them to be streamed to the UI. As an argument to the function, you have access to a ContinueSDK object with utilities such as access to certain information/actions within the IDE, the current language model, and a few other utilities. For example, here is a slash command that generates a commit message:

export function modifyConfig(config: Config): Config {
name: "commit",
description: "Write a commit message",
run: async function* (sdk) {
const diff = await sdk.ide.getDiff();
for await (const message of sdk.llm.streamComplete(
`${diff}\n\nWrite a commit message for the above changes. Use no more than 20 tokens to give a brief description in the imperative mood (e.g. 'Add feature' not 'Added feature'):`,
maxTokens: 20,
)) {
yield message;
return config;

Other custom actions

Currently the other action triggers are not open for configuration, but we plan to allow this via .prompt files in the future.